Looks like a photo bombed picture. Did they really assemble or is it another photo shop.
Not infallible but don't cross them
jehovah’s witnesses boast that theirs is a “spirit-directed organization”.. see w88 3/1 pp.
10-17 (my life in jehovah’s spirit-directed organization).
they believe that their deceased founder, charles taze russell (who faced legal action by his wife for inappropriate behavior in his maids bedroom), is directing the modern-day work of jehovah’s witnesses.. after the founder, c t russell died, it was stated that he was still directing the work from heaven.. "though pastor russell has passed beyond the veil, he is still managing every feature of the harvest work.
Looks like a photo bombed picture. Did they really assemble or is it another photo shop.
Not infallible but don't cross them
two folks from the local kh visited the house yesterday looking for my wife who is an on again off again baptized jw.
wife was not available so they asked me to tell her about a special talk on marriage next week.
any outlines available for this ‘special talk’ or could this potentially be a local issue?.
Marry a MS, pioneer, etc. By their standards I am the worst husbsnd around when actually you will have to look hard to find any nearly as good and they almost always are non JWs.
There are the peas in a pod career pioneers and up who are actually leeches
two folks from the local kh visited the house yesterday looking for my wife who is an on again off again baptized jw.
wife was not available so they asked me to tell her about a special talk on marriage next week.
any outlines available for this ‘special talk’ or could this potentially be a local issue?.
Nothing scheduled here but they slip things in last minute. Has your wife caught attention for an indiscretion? Or is there some hanky panky? It could be just the talk in rotation from regular outlines and they just happened to mention it.
Here goes: common sense tells us a stable marriage is better for society and details of arrangements and personalities (and bedroom practices) are no one else's business. Just saved you an hour.
the concept of strategic deception exists in several religious and ideological contexts.
in this article, we will explore and compare the theocratic warfare doctrine of the watchtower society and taqiyya in islam.
both concepts have parallels in their mechanisms of permitting deception for religious purposes but differ significantly in their application and historical roots.. 1. theocratic warfare: the "rahab method".
Unusual for me to read anything that long. Points right on. I will add atheist, governments, skeptics employ the same for their "god" be it a nation, race, sky daddy.
Of course the GB abd JWs will say only they are right and entitled to such.
la norvegia non è caduta nella trappola della torre di guardia di agosto.. https://files.accessjw.org/s/sdzfgcgk4bi48jb.
God! (Norvegian)
so just what is the latest directive on shunning?.
asking for a family member.
Not paint; whitewashed.
There are people who danger others either physically or mentally but the guidelines for avoiding them are illogical and enforced haphazard by ynvetted men.
Shunning is and was blackmail.
interesting video connects the dots.
Funds never flow out PERIOD
watchtower put out some highlights for the 2024 service year:.
average publishers: 8,828,124. peak publishers: 9,043,460. a 43.2 percent increase in "those who returned to jehovah", meaning 65,816 were reinstated.
baptized: 296,267. memorial attendance: 21,119,442. missing stat: number of partakers .. womp womp.
Missing: pimo's Stat
Baptized who were not born in
an old elder friend from out of town stopped to see my ailing wife.
more than the locals do.
he said elder school emphasized 2 years and the existing body will be the leaders through persecution and tribulation.
I don't believe Lett is a jovial old fool, quite the opposite.
Herd may just be tired.
i am non political and have never voted but nonetheless i have been keenly watching to see how the trump presidential race unfolds.
i believe that his involvement in propelling or influencing a leaning toward bible prophecy will unfold.
how, i can’t say but something tells me that this anomaly and outlier being trump is highly signifiant!
My blue state requires a (wait for it) utility bill showing name and address-same day as vote